We are Christ's ambassadors. In our daily life, in our home town, God asks us to be salt, light,
and reach out to our neighbors in need.
(Matthew 5 and 25, Isaiah 58).
Christ's Church's pastors and members strive to show God's love to those in need in many ways:
*Benevolence financial assistance to families in crisis
*Groceries in times of need
*Free Garage Sale (giving away furniture, clothes, toys, etc.)
*James 1 Crew (small projects for widows or other in need)
*Gifts of Love (provides Christmas gifts to local families in need)
*Free School Supply Giveaways
*Thanksgiving Food Boxes
*Job and financial counseling
*Hope's Closet (clothes and household items available to anyone in need)
*Visiting the detention center and prison
*Home and hospital visits to those in need
*Always sharing God's Word and praying for anyone, anytime.
If you are interested in learning about upcoming outreaches, or have ideas for a local outreach, please call the Church office 575-623-4110
Mission trips serve 3 primary purposes:
To meet a need in a community and show God's love to people.
To challenge and grow those who go by, taking them out of their comfort zones to serve others and follow God's call.
To encourage and lend support to the full-time missionaries that host and lead us.
Some examples of past trips include:
Building an orphanage for children in Thailand.
Kid's ministry and construction in Guatemala.
Bringing food, shoes, coats and the Gospel message to Juarez, Mexico, partnering with Iglesia Agua Viva.
Our youth group partnered with the Dream Center in Kansas City to serve families in low income areas.
Upcoming Mission Trips
Juarez, Mexico with Agua Viva
In partnership with Agua Viva and the Outside the Bowl kitchen on their property, we will be hosting a large Saturday outreach in Juarez where we will serve a meal, distribute clothes, and pass out groceries while the members of Agua Viva lead worship and present a clear message of Jesus' love and salvation.
*Postponed till further notice*
Zambia with Overland Missions
We will join Casey and Brandy O'Connor, whose mission base is along the Zambezi River, to go hut to hut sharing the Good News of Jesus, partnering with local pastors and translators.
We support many full-time missionaries financially to allow them to focus their time and efforts on their ministry
and the people to which God has called them.
We partner with missionaries and mission agencies locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
While supporting our missionaries financially is vitally important, we recognize their need does not end there.
That is why we pray regularly for our missionaries, send them encouraging letters and emails, and send a team to work alongside them as often as possible.
Want to regularly write and pray for our missionaries? Contact me at Chris@Christschurchroswell.com!
Want to financially support a missionary? Write their name in the memo of your check before putting it in the offering.
REGIONAL (New Mexico)
LOCAL (Roswell)
Harvest Ministries: Grocery assistance to families in need. Also provides job counseling, hot showers and laundry service to homeless.
Adult and Teen Challenge New Mexico: They have a women's home here in Roswell helping women find freedom from addiction, life-controlling issues and restoring relationships and hope in their lives. There is also a Christ-centered 12-step recovery community providing freedom from the struggle and hurts that are part of life. They meet at First Church of the Nazarene every Tuesday, beginning with a meal at 5 pm.
Good Samaritan: Provides groceries, furniture and clothes to families in need.
Community Kitchen: Provides hot lunches Monday-Friday and cold lunches on weekends. They serve 80-90 individuals daily.
Christ's Church prepares and serves the meals every second Friday of the month.
Roswell Homeless Coalition: Provide temporary housing for homeless men, women, and children in Roswell,
while connecting the homeless with resources to transition them out of homelessness.
Chaves County Pregnancy Resource Center: Offering free pregnancy testing, sonograms, pro-life counseling for pregnant women, and parenting classes.
Lone Tree Bible Ranch--Steve and Lisa Dirks, Directors: Director of a Christian high adventure camp for 13-18 year olds in Capitan, NM.
Lone Tree Bible Ranch--Caleb and Sophie Martin: They oversee the horse program at Lone Tree, as well as facilitate teenagers on high ropes to build teamwork and help them grow in their relationship with the Lord.
Royal Family Kids Camp: Hosted at Fort Lone Tree, this camp offers foster children of New Mexico a week of fun outdoor activities with dedicated counselors mentoring them throughout the week.
DOMESTIC (United States)
Jack and Kristi Hall--Campus Ventures: Regional director in Woming, overseeing leaders on 5 campuses to impact college students for Christ.
Andrew and Meri Preciado--Foundations Church Campus Ministry: They reach out to students at Arizona State University campus through offering Bible studies and discipleship opportunities to share God's love.
JD and Tricia Brown--Overland Missions: They oversee Overland Mission bases in SE Asia, assist missionaries and trips to that area, and provide training and equipping for those bases.
Holden and Nani Waide--Modern Day, Kansas City: They facilitate prayer times, lead worship teams, with a desire to equip the next generation in walking in holiness.
Agua Viva church, Juarez, Mexico--Maria, Elva, and Danny Vicencio. This church reaches their community for Christ through a grocery outreach, regular services, and a thriving church plant. Christ's Church sends a team to partner with them over a weekend a few times a year.
Outside the Bowl--Jae and Debra Evans This organization builds Super Kitchens that cook and distribute thousands of meals daily. They have Super Kitchens up and running in South Africa, Haiti, Mexico, and Malawi. Currently they are working to expand to more locations in Mexico.
Youth With A Mission, Amsterdam, Holland--Marietha Scheepers: She ministers to men and women in the Red Light District, representing
the light of Christ in a place full of darkness. She also hosts a prayer and worship venue.
Global Gateway Network--Micah Smith: This ministry does humanitarian work across the globe with the goal of spreading the Gospel. They currently have a children's home in Burma and Vietnam. They have a church plant in North Thailand, and are transforming villages in North India by drilling water wells and planting churches.
Missionary couple in Budapest: Provides counseling for missionary families that live on the field full time.
Deborah Project, Israel: Restoring hope, honor and dignity to Israel's most vulnerable population; single mothers, orphans,
victims of terrorism and those who serve in the IDF.
International Justice Mission, Washington, DC: A human rights organization that brings rescue and hope to victims of slavery, sexual exploitation, and other forms of violent oppression around the world. They do this through actively arresting and prosecuting perpetrators throughout the world, establishing rescue centers to train and educate those who are freed, and by gathering support for legislation here in the
United States that will help end slavery and oppression worldwide.
Missionary couple in Turkey with Operation Mobilization: His goal is to establish a discipleship training school and a home church as part of
God's work to radically change hearts and lives in a country where Christians are a minority.
Pedro Garcia, Lima, Peru: Sharing the hope of Jesus while reaching out to vulnerable people groups in Peru's marginalized areas.
Jeffrey and Halie Benson-YWAM Indonesia: They aim to organically reach local people with the message of love and truth of the Gospel with a focus on prayer ministry.
Mark and Karen Dawson, Bukavu, Congo: They partner with a local church, The Lighthouse, to shine the light of Jesus in the darkness and advance His kingdom in Congo, and have a thriving ultimate Frisbee ministry!
Gaby Muñoz, Semillas de Fe (Faith Seeds), Guatemala: Guatemala's illiteracy rate is the highest in Central America. The mission of Faithseeds is to provide every child with the opportunity for education by paying for tuition, fees, supplies, and uniforms as well as offering free tutoring.
Casey and Brandy O'Connor--Overland Missions: They are pioneering a new mission base in a remote area in Zambia to reach African tribes with the Gospel and host short-term mission teams to bless the local people.
Ben and Sarah Proctor--Pioneer Bible Translators: They are currently studying linguistics in preparation to translate the Bible for a people group that currently has no Bible in their native language.
Josh and Emily Merchant--Oaxaca Christian School (part of Wycliffe Bible Translators): They work at a school for children of missionaries, many from Wycliffe. Emily serves as principal, and Josh as a teacher. Their ministry is vital to the ongoing ministry of missionaries in that region.